Chrissy's Creations
Due to absolutely no interest in my previous products, I am deciding to remodel with new ideas, hopefully sparking some interest in the future. This unfortunately will take a while but i'm hopeful for the future.
About Chrissy's Creations...
Chrissy's Creations is a small business where handmade products are lovingly created. I have learned alot about my business and the world around it, did you know that the average number of people that suffer with a mental health or sensory issue is a whopping 1 in 4! I've had mental health problems since I can remember and one day I realised something... There's alot of help that's offered to help mental health sufferers, but nothing to bring us comfort at home. I learned the hard lesson that my emotions can't be fixed and that's ok! We just need a companion, something that we can rely on to help us get past those "Bad days". That's where Chrissy's Creations comes in! I have created a companion for the struggles that we have to face sometimes on a daily basis. I want you to know that i understand how hard it can be and that you are amazing, and so so strong.
The... Creator!
Hi i'm Chrissy and welcome to my small business!
It's very nice to meet you. I hope that atleast one of my products can bring a smile to your face or bring a loved one some joy. I handmake all my products from scratch with recycled materials as a no waste promise for Chrissy's Creations for all you lovely lot and the world around us.
Look after each other and focus on what makes you happy, the world is a better place with you in it so lets give ourselves that chance to be in love with the moment and appreciate the something that's good in everything.
I believe in you!
Chrissy xx